Calico Creek Coffee | Coffee Bar and Cafe Morehead City | Atlantic Beach | Beaufort | Emerald Isle | The Crystal Coast
Morehead City Coffee, Morehead City Cafe, Morehead City, Beaufort, Atlantic Beach, Emerald Isle, Newport, New Bern, North Carolina Coffee Shops, Coffee Shop Website, Espresso, Coffee, Latte, Cappuccino, Cafe, Crystal Coast, Downtown Morehead City, Downtown Morehead, Morehead City Restaurants, Morehead City Church, Morehead City Dining, Dining, Lounge, Beaufort Cafe, Beaufort NC Coffee, Beaufort NC Restaurant.
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At Calico Creek Coffee Bar, we offer more than just good coffee. It’s a chance to make a difference in our community, a chance to help stop the cycle of addiction in our town, a chance to help change the course of someone’s life forever… a chance for redemption. For more information about our addiction and redemption fund, go to
MON – FRI: 7-12pm
SAT and SUN: Closed
One Harbor Church Building
1605 Fisher Street
Morehead City, NC